Inoventures Recertified CMMI-DEV Level 3 and ISO 9001:2015
Today concludes a week-long review of Inoventures processes resulting in Inoventures' recertification of the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) for Development Level 3 maturity rating and upgraded to ISO 9001:2015. CMMI Development Level 3 is the globally recognized industry standard of excellence in software engineering and ISO 9001:2015 demonstrates the ability to provide products and services that meet customer requirements consistently.
A shout-out to Chris Durham, Senior Program Manager at Inoventures, for leading the entire CMMI process and the Inoventures team for their participation and continued excellence. Special thanks are due to Jennifer Drobish, Kevin Djang, Uyen Tran, Vanessa Campbell, and Kyle Holmquist for all their efforts and support in leading their teams.